Washington, D.C. — March 28, 2025 For Immediate Release Contact: Hena Zuberi hena@justiceforall.org (202) 922-5878…
Justice For All’s Save Uyghur Campaign Commends U.S. Decision to Blacklist Five More Chinese Firms Over Uyghur Forced Labor

Washington, D.C. — August 14, 2023
For Immediate Release
Contact: Hena Zuberi
(202) 922-5878
Justice For All’s Save Uyghur Campaign commends the United States for expanding the blacklist under the 2021 Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, adding five more Chinese firms accused of exploiting Uyghur slave labor in East Turkistan. The firms mentioned in the recent federal filing include Rare Earth Magnesium Technology Group Holdings, Century Sunshine Group Holdings, Kashgar Construction Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd., Xinjiang Habahe Ashele Copper Co., Ltd., and Xinjiang Tengxiang Magnesium Products Co., Ltd.
This decision bolsters the broader prohibition on importing goods produced through the forced labor of Uyghurs currently in place. These companies are accused of either working directly with local authorities to employ Uyghur labor unwillingly or sourcing inputs from other firms that do.
Marking this occasion, President of Justice For All Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid said “We commend the United States for continuing to take strong action against the exploitation and forced labor of Uyghur Muslims by sanctioning these additional companies. This move sends a clear message to the world that economic gain must never come at the cost of human suffering. It aligns with our principles and our mission to advocate for justice and human rights.”
Team Lead of the Save Uyghur Campaign, Arslan Hidayat said “The blacklisting of these firms is a critical step in the fight against one of the most egregious human rights abuses of our time. By holding these companies accountable, we are taking significant strides toward ending the suffering of the Uyghur people and ensuring that no business profits from their misery. Strong, consistent international pressure is vital, and we urge other nations to follow suit.”
Justice For All’s Save Uyghur Campaign continues to advocate for the rights of Uyghurs and urges all governments, corporations, and individuals to avoid complicity in the human rights violations perpetrated against them. We encourage public awareness and global action to combat forced labor and uphold the principles of human dignity and justice.
For more information on the Uyghur situation and how you can get involved, visit Save Uyghur Campaign’s website.