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“A Uyghur: I can still hear the Azan”; Poem by JusticeForAll founder Abdul Malik Mujahid

A Uyghur: I can still hear the Azan
In the voice of Ayesha Uyghur
By Abdul Malik Mujahid
Two days ago
Kareem came in my dream
Calling Azan
I have not seen him for a while
7 months and 23 days to be exact
Kareem is my only child
Half of our city is taken away
We are Uyghur Muslims
in the past, we could hear azan everywhere
Now our city is silent
Almost all our masjids are gone
Those standing have no imams
No one enters them anyway
Biometrics everywhere
They scan everyone
Everyone who enters
Everyone who passes by
Cameras everywhere
None go near a masjid
In case one is spotted
In case one tears up
In case one is recorded
In case
In case
Fear rules
Fear is real
The old masjid near us
Just a few doors from us,
built 600 years ago
Now, in ruins
When the Chinese invaded first,
70 years ago,
My mom tells me
they demolished it first
Its old minaret used to reach the sky
It’s all gone, just the base is left
Ten years ago
Raheem and Kareem
Father and son
Built a little room in the ruins
Our new little masjid
Raheem would call the Azan
Once again
We could hear
from our home
A melodic call
Allahu Akbar
GOD is Greater
One evening after sunset
Raheem did not come back
Just like my father who disappeared
Taken away by the Chinese
He was an Imam
My father called Azan
They forced him to stop fasting in Ramadan
They don’t let anyone fast, but he resisted
They took him away
We never saw him again
It was Ramadan before this Ramadan
15 months ago
Raheem stepped up
My husband, my love
He called Azan
They grabbed him
As I watched in the bazaar
In broad daylight
Everyone saw
They dragged him into a van
The dreaded van
The death van with the blowing siren
Nine months, six days ago
He is gone
Gone forever
My heart followed him
My body is left behind
My son Kareem stepped up
He called Azan
In the ruins of the old
The Masjid Rahman
I begged him not to do that
I lost my father, lost my husband
Kareem never disobeyed
But this time was different
He showered
Put on his father’s cap
Left home to call Azan
He never made it
No one heard his Azan
He did not come back
It has been
7 months
23 days
In the past
They destroyed our masjids
This time
They took away our people
Our little masjid
In the ruins of the old
Is still there
No one now calls Azan
But I hear it all the time
In my heart
In my soul
I hear Azan
In the howl of dogs
From empty streets
They know my pain
The pain of my sisters
The pain of my neighbors
Early morning, every day
At Fajr time—
Reason unknown
Dogs howl
They cry together
As though they miss Azan
Maybe they want everyone
To get up and pray
We know GOD says
Animals worship HIM too
I hear Azan
As women weep late in the night
Here and there
Our men gone
And Chinese men
Forced in our homes
Instead of Raheem
Instead of Kareem
Without hoja to stop them
When stars are silent
I hear my sisters, my six sisters
They cry
Their men are taken to the Chinese camps
Their children are taken to the Chinese orphanages
I hear Azan
As they cry
Where is Raheem?
Where is Kareem?
Where is hoja?
Where is everyone?
Ya Allah
Ya Raheem
Ya Kareem
Ya Maula
Ya Rahman
Ya Raheem
My Lord
Ya Rahman Ya Raheem
I will get up
I will go to our little masjid
Early morning at dawn
Will stand there at the top
At the broken minaret
Alone with You
And with full force
I will call Azan
I will
Insha Allah
Allahu Akbar
May be they will take me
May be I will meet my father
My husband, Raheem
My son, the only son, Kareem
Either here in this world
I will meet them
in a concentration camp
Or there, over there
Far away
With You
in Jannah
In heavens
There, we will all call
Allahu Akbar
Please pray for Uyghur people.
© 2018 Abdul Malik Mujahid