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Support Justice For All’s work for Uyghurs

Stop China From Committing Genocide. Free Uyghurs from the largest concentration camps since the Nazis.

Uyghur Genocide In Numbers

1-3 million Uyghurs
in Concentration Camps

5,000+ Mosques
in East Turkestan (Uyghurland) Destroyed

Thousands of Uyghur Children
in orphanages

Organ harvesting
of prisoners

Forced abortion and sterilization
of countless women

Uyghur Forced labor
used to to supply the world’s demand for cheap Chinese products

How Save Uyghur
Is Helping

Justice For All has been calling it a genocide from the start. Now thanks to our efforts, the US State Department has declared it a genocide.

Our memos, dialogues, and protests have resulted in many American companies moving away from slave labor.

Our educational social media campaign in the Arabic language is educating Muslims about Chinese authorities attacks on Islam.

Justice For All uses a lobbying firm in addition to grassroots education and mobilization.

We urgently need your support.
Help us make things better for the Uyghur.

Help us do more by encouraging friends and family to support us.

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