Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Raheem, Dear brothers and sisters, as we enter the blessed month of Ramadan,…
Save Uyghur Campaign Welcomes The US Ban On All Cotton and Tomato Products From East Turkestan

Justice For All, Save Uyghur team, applauds the US government for barring entry of all cotton and tomato products from East Turkestan (known as Xinjiang, China) where Uyghurs and other Turkic speaking nations are being detained in “reeducation camps” and forcibly being recruited to work in forced labor factories across China.
The administration on Wednesday banned imports of cotton and tomato products. U.S. Customs and Border Protection said agents have been instructed to detain shipments containing these products, including those routed through or assembled in third countries in products such as apparel or tomato sauce.
We hope the US government will not only pressure China on the matter of forced labor products, but also take further measures to stop American tech companies, clothing industries and automated sectors from being complicit with China’s campaign of enslaving Uyghurs and other Turkic minorities of East Turkestan.