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Indian Pharmaceuticals Implicated in Uyghur Forced Labor: Urgent Action Required for Human Rights Compliance

Washington, D.C. — October 11, 2024

For Immediate Release

Contact: Hena Zuberi

(202) 922-5878

Washington, D.C. – Justice For All’s Save Uyghur Campaign is deeply concerned about the findings in the report titled “Side Effects: The Human Rights Implications of Global Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Linkages to XUAR.” authored by Mishel Kondi of C4ADS. The report exposes significant connections between the global pharmaceutical industry and forced labor practices in the Chinese-occupied East Turkistan, also known by its colonial designation, the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR).

The findings reveal that the Uyghur region’s pharmaceutical industry has largely escaped scrutiny, allowing companies to exploit vulnerable populations. This glaring oversight raises ethical concerns about the sourcing, manufacturing and the integrity of pharmaceutical products distributed worldwide.

India, a dominant force in the global pharmaceutical market, is implicated in these supply chains. The report calls for immediate legislative action, stating, “Countries should pass and implement legislation to limit the access entities supporting forced labor…have to international markets.” Justice For All’s President, Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid, emphasized, “India must take a stand against forced labor in its pharmaceutical imports. We urge Indian lawmakers to enact laws ensuring ethical sourcing and protecting human rights.”

Private sector responsibility is also highlighted in the report, which urges companies to perform due diligence in their supply chains to prevent the procurement of pharmaceutical ingredients from XUAR. Arslan Hidayat, Team Lead of the Save Uyghur Campaign, pointed out, “Pharmaceutical companies must recognize their complicity in the genocide of Uyghurs. By sourcing materials from East Turkistan, they profit from human suffering and enable ongoing atrocities. It’s time for these companies to act ethically and ensure their supply chains are free from forced labor.”

Justice For All’s Save Uyghur Campaign is actively advocating for the implementation of these recommendations. The organization plans to present them to the Indian mission at The United Nations and officials at the U.S. State Department, pushing for a global pharmaceutical industry that upholds human rights and respects the dignity of all individuals.

Consumers also play a crucial role in this issue. The report emphasizes that forced labor in supply chains creates unfair advantages for companies exploiting marginalized people. By raising awareness and advocating for change, consumers can help dismantle these exploitative systems and promote a more just global economy.

Justice For All commends C4ADS and Mishel Kondi for their investigative efforts in exposing these abuses. The report’s findings serve as a vital call to action, and the Save Uyghur Campaign is dedicated to amplifying these messages and advocating for ethical reform.

About Justice For All – Save Uyghur Campaign

Human Rights organization Justice For All’s Save Uyghur Campaign works to protect Uyghur rights, expose human rights abuses in East Turkistan, and push for accountability on the global stage. Through advocacy, education, and policy efforts, we aim to dismantle the systems of exploitation and forced labor affecting the Uyghur people.

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