Washington, D.C. — February 21, 2025 For Immediate Release Contact: Hena Zuberi hena@justiceforall.org (202) 922-5878…
#VetoChinaUN Twitterstorm Toolkit

China’s appointment to a United Nations human rights panel has sparked a global outcry.
Join Justice For All and partners for a twitter storm using hashtag: #VetoChinaUN
This is your opportunity to get your voice heard and make a difference.
When? Thursday, April 16th, 12-2pm EST
Pretty appalling that a country putting millions of innocent people into camps and prisons is able to determine which human rights are being violated. China must be removed from this @UNHumanRights @UN panel now. #VetoChinaUN Share on X Because of you, @realDonaldTrump, and your decision to leave the UN Human Rights Council, China was able to fill your spot. It is your fault China is now on this panel. #VetoChinaUN Share on X Shameful move that Saudi Arabia supported China’s addition to the UN Human Rights Council, while China continues to torture innocent Uyghur Muslims in concentration camps and prisons. #VetoChinaUN Share on X Shameful move that India supported China’s addition to the UN Human Rights Council, while China continues to torture innocent Uyghur Muslims in concentration camps and prisons. #VetoChinaUN Share on X We are disappointed that Japan, a member of the Asia Pacific Group, partook in the support of China being added to the UN Human Rights Council, while China continues to be one of the biggest human rights violators #VetoChinaUN Share on X We are disappointed that South Korea, a member of the Asia Pacific Group, partook in the support of China being added to the UN Human Rights Council, while China continues to be one of the biggest human rights violators #VetoChinaUN Share on X We call on Belgium to strictly monitor China, internationally known for violating human rights standards, as it serves on the UN Human Rights Council, as well as to uphold the purpose of this council. #VetoChinaUN Share on X We call on Italy to strictly monitor China, internationally known for violating human rights standards, as it serves on the UN Human Rights Council, as well as to uphold the purpose of this council. #VetoChinaUN Share on X We call on Peru to strictly monitor China, internationally known for violating human rights standards, as it serves on the UN Human Rights Council, as well as to uphold the purpose of this council. #VetoChinaUN Share on X We call on Spain to strictly monitor China, internationally known for violating human rights standards, as it serves on the UN Human Rights Council, as well as to uphold the purpose of this council. @SpainUN #VetoChinaUN Share on X China being on the UN Human Rights Council also destroys the hope of appointing a Special Rapporteur on the Uyghurs, while Uyghurs still languish in camps and prisons and suffer one of the world's worst human rights violations… Share on X Right now more than two million #Uyghur Muslims are in #Chinese concentration camps. Men are taken to the camps, their children to orphanages and women are forced to live with Chinese men. It is unjust for China to be appointed to the… Share on X Did you know that 1 million communists ‘guests’ live in Uyghur homes as government informants? The concept of family privacy for modest Uyghur Muslims has become a distant dream. Yet, China has been appointed to the @UNHumanRights… Share on X Did you know that Passports of hundreds of thousands #Uyghur Muslims in China have been confiscated by the state to prevent them from fleeing abroad? It is extremely disturbing to hear that China has been appointed to the… Share on X The Human Freedom Report 2019, co-published by the Cato Institute, the Fraser Institute, and the Liberales Institut at the Friedrich Naumann Foundation of Freedom, ranks China 135 in the Human Freedom Index #VetoChinaUN Share on X .@USAmbUN @USUN Ambassador Craft we are all disappointed in the appointment of China to the UN Human Rights Council. The mass genocide of the Uyghur people among other basic human rights violations is shocking #VetoChinaUN Share on X .@blanchardCanada Ambassador Blanchard we are all disappointed in the appointment of China to the UN Human Rights Council. The mass genocide of the Uyghur people among other basic human rights violations is shocking #VetoChinaUN Share on X .@UNPeacekeeping East Turkestan needs the help of the UN peacekeeping force. How can we get the the @UN and the world to notice the ethnic cleansing and mass genocide of the Uyghur people? #VetoChinaUN Share on X .@Lacroix_UN Mr. Lacroix can you explain why China has been appointed to the UN Human Rights Council. China is one of the largest violators of human rights on the globe just ask the Uyghur population #VetoChinaUN Share on X